Useful tips to maintain proper hydration during the summer
With the arrival of heat it becomes increasingly important to ensure properhydrationto your body. As we know every day our body expels water through multiple mechanisms, from urine to feces, obviously passing through breathing andsweating. In summer there is a tendency to expel more liquids due to the very high temperatures and the greater muscular effort that often derives from carrying out sports activities.
If you do not replenish the lost fluids, you risk favoring disorders such as hyperthermia, which is also easily treatable (at least in the first phase) with the administration of water or other moisturizing drinks.
Below you will find some simple tips that will help you maintain proper hydration in summer.
1) Take water all day
The most basic advice is to take water throughout the day. Obviously, such an elementary recommendation has many implications.
First of all, it is recommended to drinkplenty of waterwith regular frequencies throughout the day. Water consumption must be related to daily activities. It follows that youwill have to drink moreduring the hottest hours and / or when you lose more fluids. Water consumption must also take into account the individual’s body weight. Many recommend takingat least 30 ml of water per kg of body weight. So if, for example, our body weight is 70kg, we should take about 2.1 liters of water daily.
Drinking plenty of water is not the only way to ensure proper hydration. Many foods are in fact rich in liquids and it is therefore recommended to take them: seasonal fruits such asmelonsor watermelonsare the easiest foods to find, but also a soup or a vegetable soup are excellent sources of water.
2) Avoid sports activity during the hottest hours
Doing sports or other activities that require considerable physical effort is not recommended during the summer season, even more so if these activities are carried out duringthe hottest hours of the day.
Very intense efforts accelerate sweating and in case of failure to replenish lost fluids you can experience problems such as heat stroke or dehydration. It is therefore advisable to reduce sports activity, or at least take all the necessary precautions such as:
- Drinkplenty of waterduring sports activity;
- Do not expose yourself too much tosunlight;
- Practicing sports during thecooler hours;
- Do not take drinks that involve high sweating and/or diuresis, such as alcohol, which cause a reduction in ADH (antidiuretic hormone), increasing the amount of urine produced by the body.
3) Take care of skin hydration
The hydration of the skin should not be underestimated. If on the one hand it is true that the hydration of the skin can be maintained thanks to the intake of waterand a diet rich in fruit and foods richin liquids, on the other hand it is still true that the skin needs specific treatments, to maintain the hydrolipidic film that covers it able to perform its function. Moisturizers can contain hydrophilic humectants to retain water on the surface and emollient substances, which “nourish” the lipid fraction of the hydrolipidic film, which acts by preventing the evaporation of water from the skin surface.
For cleansing the skin, it is advisable not to use foamy products rich in sulphates, preferring instead delicate detergents, such as those free of surfactants that are aggressive to the skin such as SLES and SLS ( Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ) or parabens.
In summer, use a day face cream with minimal sun protection (SPF 15) even in the city.
4) Don’t underestimate the signs of bad hydration
As obvious as it may seem, knowing how to recognize the signs of poor hydrationin time is a very important factor. Among the most common symptoms are:
- Irregular diuresis during the day;
- Dry skin ;
- Exhaustion;
- Muscle cramps;
- Episodes ofconstipation and constipation ;
These symptoms tend to appear more frequently especially in children and older people. As soon as these disorders occur, it is advisable to follow the advice above.
She defines herself as curious by nature. In 2006 she graduated with honors in Biotechnology at the Sapienza University of Rome. Between 2005 and 2009, she carried out a university internship and research activity in the field of tumor immunotherapy. She is a co-author of three scientific publications. Since 2007 you have associated your passion for science with that for the web, starting the management of the project.